Community Living is a fun group

ceramic craft activities for all
The more the merrier. With student volunteers providing support we had the wheels rolling.
Too much fun!
Harbor Unlimited provides recreational activities for the entire family through regularly scheduled outings. Blaze STL was something different for them so when they posted the sign up sheet, it quickly filled up. Good news! They are coming back so everyone gets a chance to play at the studio.
Art teacher, Sheri Terry, brought her students, 4th through 8 th grade to the studio. Great fun making bowls, throwing on the wheel, and touring the studio.
Great fun having the fine folks at Community Living come to the studio.
School had a half day on Wednesday so a group of young people came to Blaze STL for crafting fun. We made a new project that Blaze has been working on, small plate like trays. Exciting to see them come out so nicely.
Great time making these beautiful bowls with Downs Syndrome Association of Greater Saint Louis. Everyone enjoyed making these slab bowls. Easy to do making this project accessible for everyone.
Everyone loves turtles. Crafting fun for everyone when everyone got to make a turtle out of real clay. We used a press mold for the shell and hand built the legs, tail and head. Then each turtle climbed on turtle island to be glazed. After the event, the work went into the kiln, creating an amazing sculpture.